All images © Valery Rizzo
Every spring my good friend, landscaper, chef, singer and songwriter, Laura Comerford forages for ramps in the deep woods of Connecticut. This year I accompanied her to harvest the ramps, which she just about single handedly harvested while six months pregnant. I have to admit my husband Ivan (drummer in the band) was a big help as well, he learned how to harvest ramps, but unfortunately also brought home an unwanted friend burrowed in his leg, which I luckily managed to pull out easily before any damage was done. Ticks, one of the occupational hazards of ramp harvesting.
Back in Brooklyn Laura showed me how to clean the ramps and separate the green tops from the bulbs. The green leaves can be sautéed and used very much like spinach, you can see my recipe from a couple years ago here. Laura uses the bulbs to make her Pickled Ramps, which she is known for, you can see that recipe here. This time I made Ramp Dressing with the leaves using the recipe from my collaboration with Chef Camille Becerra (Navy NYC) for Chickpea Magazine, it can be used on top of all sorts of salads.